Tag Archives: photography


I want a tilt-shift lens so that I can create photos like that.

Some friends think it’s lego. But it’s a real playground shot using my iPhone and the Camera+ app.


Holga Holga Holga!

Holga is still the best.
It’s cheap, plasticky and disappoints me the least! The other toy cameras seem to give me variable results, and one even died on me before i finished the first roll…

I shot a roll of Expired Kodak EktaChrome E200 on a sunny day some months back. Finally had time to develop it 2 weeks ago.

The pictures seem to be bursting with colours and details. Very pleased with the results!

My fav have to be the one with the tracks in the sand and that of the coconut tree!
Love my Holga!

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Garden festival 2010

This year’s Garden Festival runs from 15 – 22 Jul.
I must say that this year’s designs were less exciting that the ones in 2008.

What’s new:
When I went there 2 years ago, there were fewer people and even fewer people with cameras. Yesterday was totally different. Almost everyone in the exhibition hall was armed with a camera and they were busy shooting away, and getting people to shoot for them.

What’s the same:
Lighting was challenging. The airconditioner seemed to be on at full blast, not surprising, given the recent scorching weather.
I was in between jobs in 2008 when I visited the festival. It is the same thing this year. =P

A few shots from the festival. Others are found here.


#135 - He plants trees

#134 - Bird of paradise


My fav shot:


I’m off to Ipoh this weekend, just before I report for work at the new place.
Have a good weekend!


KL – part III – The streets

This is the last of my series of KL shots.
I might have over developed this roll, but here are some of the nicer shots.
This roll is all taken using the rollei disposable camera (as mentioned in this post long time back).









Some other shots are on flickr.

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KL part 1 – The race

I was in KL over the weekend, for the Standard Chartered KL marathon. Of course, I’m not the runner. I’m just there to join in the crowd.

I consciously brought just the 18-55 kit lens with my D300 for the running shots. Plus the disposable b&w rollei and my iPhone for walkabout, I’ve got my hands full.

As usual, I’ll screw up those shots at the starting line, when the sky was still dark at 6.15am (I ended with overexposed ghostly shots at the Penang Bridge Marathon, Pacesetters, Sundown already, but I still didn’t learn!!).  To redeem myself, I’ll have to get the shots right, 1-2 secs when the runners sprint past me.

I parked myself at the last 150m mark, where the runners made a slight turn before they see the finishing line. That stretch was lined with photographers, supporters, and photographers again at the finishing point. I did not want to shoot the usual shots of the runners with lots of bokeh in the background. I also did not want to take the runners when they crossed the finishing line… the official photographers can do a much better job than me.

My kit lens was just perfect – wide enough to get the supporters and the landscape into the frame.

I love how the kids were mesmerised by Jackie.

#116 - see the stride

The men seemed to be so full of awe and admiration for Snr Melvin.
#117 - so full of awe

See how Melvin made heads turn!
#118 - he makes heads turn


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