Category Archives: photography

How new is this old?

It’s funny how things that were once popular make a comeback.

To the one(s) who have been checking back on this half-dead blog, thank you. I’ve been busy with life to regularly update.

End of a decade

It’s 2010, yet another decade.

2010 – I managed to keep to ONE resolution: To do 2.4km below xx min. It’s slow but still, it was a resolution. The other…is to put on enough weight to qualify for blood donation, which I failed.

In 2010, I realise:

it is possible to run faster
2011 resolution – to run 3km under yy min

that I am actually not into sports photography.
2011 resolution – less of such photos.

I need a good, light, sturdy tripod.
2011 resolution – bite the bullet & splurge on a good tripod that will last me a long time

an eye for composition is important, but the know-how on the different settings are also important.
2011 resolution – to get to know my camera better.

long exposures shots aren’t as easy as they seem
2011 resolution – this has to be THE resolution – to focus in long exposures.

As a round up for the year, my 5 best shots for 2010 would have to be:








To a better year!

Final installment

5 Dec 10 – THE RACE that they’ve all been training and waiting for. I parked myself at the 42km mark from 720am. I’ve wanted Marina Bay Sands as the back drop. The sun came up shortly after 8am. And I thought, just as well, I’ll try shooting into the sun.

It’s kind of boring, isn’t it? I seem to be shooting the same people at every race. But this is the last series of the running events for 2010 that I’ll be shooting.

Female winner of the full marathon

Local category winner

If the photos look good, I’ll be happy. But I find it very contradictory. This is THE worse race this year. In fact, ever.

My rantings:

My fb was flooded with messages about THE RACE before THE RACE day – messages of excitement, carbo-loading, “good luck to all”… blah blah blah.

On THE RACE day, it was pictures of RWS, number tags, shoes, tops, and the what-nots.

After THE RACE, it was a mix – 50% about DNF, 50% about surviving the distance, cursing and swearing about the route.

I laughed.

Seriously, I do not understand a few things:

1) What’s so great about not training for a run and going for the walk? Ok, I applaud the guts for being thickskinned enough to post it on fb.

2) What’s so great about walking AND being caught on camera when you’ve always posted about your trainings? What would others think?

3) What’s so great about DNF? Yes, it’s a struggle between giving up and excuses such as risk of injury, being sick and not hitting target timing. I think the last excuse is the best. Not hitting target timing – I wonder what goes through their minds of those – I trained so much, I didn’t do so well, just give up? So, where is the spirit of endurance sports – don’t bother enduring since you can’t hit your target timing.

All right, I understand that it is more important to keep oneself alive than to struggle to the end. Perhaps I’m not in the position to comment – I’ve never ever done a 10km run, let alone a marathon. But where is the sportsmanship?


the vantage point

One photography tip that is mentioned very often is “shooting from the vantage point”.
I got to shoot from the Skypark at Marina Bay Sands this week. How nice is it to be shooting from a place that I often shoot.

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making the night as bright as day

I’ve always wanted to shoot this. Finally did these on a Saturday evening. I made 82 exposures, and none looked quite the same – that’s the beauty of long exposures – you’ll never know exactly how the end product will turn out, and before the end, it’s a good wait.